
Cleanse is a hand hygiene compliance software that cultivates healthy hand hygiene habits through proper guidance and reminders.

With Cleanse, we hope to empower frontline workers with the necessary knowledge and technology, to protect them against the potential threats of COVID-19 as first responders in this pandemic.






Software Engineer

The Problem

There has been a significant rise in the number of food and grocery services in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

While the demand for such services increases exponentially, the protection for workers in these industries against the outbreak remains limited, calling for greater standards of hygiene amongst these essential workers.

Introducing Cleanse

Cleanse is a hygiene compliance software that cultivates healthy hand hygiene habits through proper guidance and reminders. It can be deployed in mulitple context - handwashing and hand sanitising. Cleanse is also built with businesses in mind.

Compliant with world industry hygiene standards

Easy and seamless integration with existing infrastructure

Customizable hand hygiene practices

How It Works

The Cleanse prototype utilizes multiple machine learning algorithms and models to track and guide users through various handwashing actions.

Through bluetooth, the micro bit receives signals through the cloud, communicating with and activating the lighting system, signaling to users when each step is completed.

Seamless Integration

Cleanse integrates seamlessly into any business’ existing employee management system, serving as a plug-in to help track and ensure good hand hygiene compliance.

With these information, businesses can better track the hygiene standards of their employees and conduct appropriate hygiene trainings, should there be a need.

Thank you

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